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Fundraising for Elmgrove


Elmgrove fundraising committee are always looking for helpers. If anyone wishes to be a helper for School Fundraising activities please join their facebook group


This is also a great way to see what fundraising events are coming up at Elmgrove School.

Our fundraising committee have helped us with some fantastic projects around the school, The most recent projects are: 

  • Scooter/Bike Track

  • Security Cameras

  • Library Books 

  • Outdoor Classroom 

  • New Toilet's in the hall

  • Playground surfacing 

  • Basket swing 

Elmgrove Learners will be resilient, caring and engaged.
They will learn skills and attitudes that enable them to participate positively within their community.

Poipoia te kākano , kia puawai  -‘Nurture the seed and it will blossom’

© 2022 Elmgrove School – All rights reserved


Year 0-6 Primary School Mosgiel

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